Research on Volcano geology and Physical volcanology
1. Academic field: Earth Science.
2. Our goal: Modeling volcanic eruption in long-term geological process.
3. Objects of study: Volcanic ejecta and associated episodic deposits.
4. Methodology: Observation, description, classification, sieve analysis, geochemical analysis, and other numerical approach.
5. Characteristics: Estimating the spatially and temporally changing eruption styles.
6. Skills necessary: vitality, physical strength, liberality and tolerance.
Research Interests
1. Caldera-forming eruption and ignimbrite
2. Phreatic explosion and the associated deposit
3. Sector collapse and debris avalanche deposit
4. Anatomy of subvolcanic structure
5. Volcano-Tectonics
and others.
Field work projects
1. Kuttara caldera complex
2. Esan volcanic complex
3. 24 ka debris avalanche deposit at Asama volcano
(24 ka 岩屑なだれ堆積物,浅間火山,長野県)
4. Middle Miocene silicic volcanic rocks in the outer zone of SW Japan
5. Late Miocene Oki-Dozen volcanic complex, SW Japan
Other candidates for field work are under planning.
Previous field work projects
1. Pliocene Dorobu caldera
2. The 2000 eruption of Usu volcano
3. ItoigawaーShizuoka Tectonic Line active fault system
4. Red sandstone in Three rivers region of Tibetan Plateau
5. Red sandstone in Yunnan region, China
6. Red sandstone in Nan area, NE Thailand
7. Cretaceous welded tuff at Bikin river, Primorsky Krai, Russia
8. Cretaceous welded tuff at Magadan area, Russia
and others.
Volcanoes in the world
1. Toba caldera and Sinabung volcano, Indonesia
2. Crater Lake and Newberry calderas, Oregon, USA
3. Changbaishan volcano, China/North Korea border
4. Krafla and Askja calderas, Iceland
5. Taupo volcanic zone, New Zealand
6. Kilauea, Haleakala, and Volcanoes in Hawaiian remote islands, USA
and others.
Hashigui-Iwa, Silicic dike in Miocene, Kushimoto (橋杭岩,和歌山県串本町)